葫芦 - National Grand Master of The Arts, Cao Ya Lin.  国家工艺美术大师, 曹亚麟。

葫芦 - National Grand Master of The Arts, Cao Ya Lin. 国家工艺美术大师, 曹亚麟。

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Congratulations to you, the owner when you purchase this Museum Grade Work.

National Grand Master of The Arts, Cao Ya Lin.  国家工艺美术大师, 曹亚麟 will personally, provide for you his Artwork Official Certification, and a Video Certification Call with him.

He also welcomes you at his Museum, with his grace and welcome to you: providing you the return flight tickets to Shanghai/Nanjing, fetching you to YiXing, and a 4-day 3-night stay at the Hotel amidst the famous YiXing Bamboo Sanctuary.

Top provenance and all assistance provided should you purchase this as a gift to your local Museum.