Han Wa 汉瓦, 147.2ml, XiaoMeiYao ZhuNi 小煤窑朱泥, by Craftsman Zhao Xiao Wei 赵小卫。
~140-150ml to suit our tea sessions for one to two persons.
The Han Wa 汉瓦.
In YiXing ZiSha fraternity, there is a saying,
"Do not brag about how good your ZiSha crafting skills,
SHOW ME your Han Wa."
This saying has its strong foundations and reasons.
Han Wa needs to have a gently curving side wall and if not done evenly, is very obvious to the eye.
Han Wa has a largish lid spanning the large circumference. In relativity to the pot's width, the Han Wa obviously has the largest lid-width to body-width ratio! This largish lid also has its front edge VERY close to where the front spout takes shape. >>> All these present a very challenging task to the Craftsman, because:
IF not done well and tight, there will be leaking at the front lid edge when the user tilts the teapot to serve tea. He must craft it with high precision such that the whole big circular lid has to fit PERFECTLY and EVENLY for that secure tight fit with no water leakage during use.
Han Wa's lid, being wide and almost flat (slightly domed), still needs to account for a gently curving convex top surface, WHILE supporting the heavy lid knob, the flat lid CAN "sink" down in the middle. Other pot shapes with a higher domed lid, would be able to prop up the weight of the lid-knob must better than flat and wide lids.
A domed lid would naturally present a stronger vertical axial strength to support a heavy lid knob, but not the Han Wa with its almost flat-lid
Craftsman Zhao Xiao Wei has been able to get it correct and thus present these Han Wa's to you!
Admire this Han Wa.
Simple, but a Top Classic.
Han Wa, is also VERY practical! You will know it when you use it!
It provides extreme EASE AND CONVENIENCE: during introduction of tea leaves into the pot,
During cleaning: extreme ease of removing and flushing out tea leaves
Stand to dry: extremely fast speed drying up.
Han Wa, by virtue of its designated and designed spout, is able to accommodate many holes from the inside at the filter out area.
Our Craftsman Chen Fa Chu's Han Wa pots of 260ml, are able to sport the 4-5-4 → total of 13 filter holes configuration.
Craftsman Zhao Xiao Wei crafted these Han Wa pots of 140ml, and sport the 3-4-3 configuration. Superb, and very practical for such a small pot.
This innate design of Han Wa ACCOMMODATES numerous holes to be crafted in, therefore →
During tilting and pouring tea out, there is more tea that flow through the holes, and thus presents a higher hydrostatic pressure that results in a strong more forceful jet of tea during serving.
Thank you for your grandest support to the honest and dedicated Craftsladies and Craftsmen left to fend the Fully-Handmade ZiSha Art.
Han Wa is the Austere shape and model which all ZiSha collectors must have.