Dearest Friends, all our Craftsmen and Artists, brothers and sisters in olives🙇♀️🙇♂️🌿saving our common tea culture, are proud to have Craftsman Wang Hui and Craftsman Shi Yun. Both are former course mates of our Craftsman Yi Xiao Ran! :-D whom you have seen in her video on our main homepage showing the craft involved in making a Fully-Handmade ZiSha Work.
Both these ladies Wang Hui and Shi Yun, are past colleagues of Craftsman Yi Xiao Ran, and upon her convincing, have joined us as well to preserve Fully-Handmade ZiSha Art since 2024! Yes! Both Senior Craftsmen Wang Hui and Shi Hui are here now with RealZiSha to SERVE ALL OF YOU!
Craftsman Wang Hui continues to beguile us with an exquisite, beguiling and elegant model, of high difficulty, the 秋水 Qiu Shui.
秋水, Qiu Shui ~ "Autumn Waters".
This is Xiao Mei Yao Zhu Ni, as we all know, with the highest shrinkage together with Zhao Zhuang Zhu Ni compared to all other ZiSha types. Failure rates are high. Unpredictability of the clay edges and joints, due to this high shrinkage is scary to say the least, attempting such a delicate model this Qiu Shui, sporting the following,
1)the beautiful svelte spout of amazing curves and edges, a final form which is breathtaking,
2) the Jie Gai 截盖 which tests severely the skill of the craftsmanship: the continuous flowing silhouette meeting at the interface between lid and body, one can also see the narrow "shut line" between lid and body,
3) the equally slim handle to match the form body in this Qiu Shui: if you have worked with ZiSha, especially with the pasty Zhu Ni, such a slim slip of clay is very flimsy, hence bending the slim and flimsy clay to achieve such a cohesive beautiful final form, is extremely exacting.
All must be right so as to imbue this Qiu Shui with the final form which exudes the Aura of what its name wishes to express and manifest: Autumn Waters, the high elegance of falling leaves, combined with the flowing lines reminiscent of graceful streams of water.
This is a precious piece of ZiSha Art, and we give kudos to Craftsman Wang Hui and her diligence and hard work all these years. Although three out of five crafted are successful coming off from the kiln devoid of deformations/cracks, ONLY two of these three are worthy in final form, beauty and cohesion. As with all Art pieces from RealZiSha here presented to all of you dearest Friends, guardians of Fully-Handmade ZiSha Art, they are premium pieces availed at the most astounding lowest prices. We want you each of you friends to get the best. You deserve it.
Craftsman Wang Hui had also conscientiously sculpted a 手推内球孔 Hand-Pushed Spherical Filter to increase the number of filter holes for a solid and fast pour of tea out, working with the largish diameter spout; and with better catching of tea leaves at the bottom fast while allowing tea to flow out from the upper holes.
Note on our TRUE Fully-Handmade Zhu Ni pots from RealZiSha: NOT those thick-/irregular-thickness-walled ones which are actually fake "Fully-handmade ZhuNi pots" utilising the cheating new technology: "车一刀 Che Yi Dao": Such ZhuNi pots utilizing Che Yi Dao process, have been sprouting up in the market since early 2022. Che Yi Dao involves a swivelling-rotational cutter that goes around a roughly-finished ZhuNi pot to cut the outer surface into a perfect shape. This cutter obliviates the need of accomplished skill of a true Fully-Handmaking Craftsman. Obviously, Che Yi Dao also absolves the need of a skilled FHM Craftsman to 1)pound the slab into a careful thin-slab, 2)paddle-pat the slab into a uniform shape purely manually.
In the utilisation of Che Yi Dao cutter, the worker will just need to 1) roughly pound the slab into a slightly thicker slab. After that the worker rounds up this slab as part of the main body, and will just 2)need to ROUGHLY paddle-pat it into shape. After which he sets up the Che Yi Dao cutter to revolve and cut the body into a perfect shape.
Of course, rest assured here, and avoid the ubiquitous fake jigger-machined fake "Xiao Mei Yao Zhu Ni", "Zhao Zhuang Zhu Ni", "Zhu Ni Da Hong Pao", etc pots all around sold in a multitude of places, sites, apps and platforms.