Another Stupendous Work by Assoc Master Yang Quan Sheng 杨全胜!!!
Here he PAINSTAKINGLY and astoundingly re-creates a ancient classic ZiSha Model, the famous Fu Lu Si Fang!
福禄四方 "Fu Lu Si Fang"!
= Prosperity in All Four Directions, are what the Chinese characters mean!
For its Owner and Fortunate Users :-D

We welcome you to purchase this. Only two units available. While stocks last. (Some friends ask in the past, if they can purchase more than one if there are two. Yes, you may try adding two to cart, if available.) Shipping in a larger box for this majestic work! Savor this opportunity!
A Stately Piece to serve tea for four or five.
An Exemplary Work of ZiSha Art to adorn your cabinet.

Huang Long Yuan 黄龙源 National-Authenticated 国家验证 Huang Long Shan 4th Quarry Di Cao Qing 黄龙山四号井底槽青。
This is a 混方 Hun Fang ZiSha Work: meaning it is not a pure polygonal work like the Ya Ming Si Fang with all flat surfaces and straight edges. It is of the Mixed (Hun ) Polygonal (Fang ) design, combining extremely carefully planned and measured ZiSha slabs, with the application of curves, worked in, and all joined up.
Here, Assoc Master Yang combines his Truly Exemplary skills WITH his dexterity and FAMILIARITY with Huang Long Yuan National-Authenticated Huang Long Shan 4th Quarry Di Cao Qing, to create this DIFFICULT, sumptuous, Oriental, Elegant and Ancient Flavoured ZiSha Work in the annals of ZiSha history: the Fu Lu Si Fang.
Video and Paper Certification for the patron with Associate Master Artist Yang Quan Sheng, 助理工艺美术师 -杨全胜 。Link live as you our dear patron receives this ZiSha work in your hands via Streamyard! :-D