Dearest Friends, all our Craftsmen and Artists, brothers and sisters in olives🙇♀️🙇♂️🌿saving our common tea culture, are proud to present to you their latest colleagues, Craftsman Wang Hui and Craftsman Shi Yun. Both are former course mates of our Craftsman Yi Xiao Ran! :-D whom you have seen in her video on our main homepage showing the craft involved in making a Fully-Handmade ZiSha Work.
Both these ladies Wang Hui and Shi Yun, are past colleagues of Craftsman Yi Xiao Ran, and upon her convincing, have joined us as well to preserve Fully-Handmade ZiSha Art! Yes! Both Senior Craftsmen Wang Hui and Shi Hui are here now with RealZiSha to SERVE ALL OF YOU!
Craftsman Wang Hui after her magnificent 秋水 Qiu Shui, presents this 茄瓜 Qie Gua!
Qie Gua 茄瓜。
Very adorable model specially chosen by Craftsman Wang Hui! Delightfully minimalistic ornate, resembling the Qie Gua fruit we consume in China, and she worked in the easy to use (press down) lid knob with an L-shaped ventilation hole! Seemingly simple, but upon closer inspection, the work of Craftsman Wang Hui is perceivable:
1) She carefully and consciously fashioned in an L-Shaped ventilation port out from the dome of the lid. We also acknowledge the slimness in girth of the stalk when viewed axially. Thank you Craftsman Wang Hui!
She wishes to show the ergonomics that she intended, and hence the two consequent photos showing how it is ergonomically and conveniently handled with elegance. Guests will smile and the lid becomes a central talking point. Be sure to share with your guests the craftsmanship involved, the minimalistic aesthetics manifested which lasts the years of use. Always, bringing a smile to our faces. Very satisfying and as she wants it: adorable, on our tea table!

2) Her savoir-faire is necessary, as she works in this seamless Jie Gai (lid-to-body) interface, a seamless tight shut line, with the cohesiveness above and below: :-D the fruit form looks organic as a result. We love Craftsman Wang Hui!
3) Wang Hui also worked in conscientiously our favourite, delectable:
纳底, Na Di base. Na Di base crafting and sculpting involves carefully coaxing the ZiSha clay step by step, and patiently pressing and pressing into shape, the concaved-in structure. "Na Di" 纳底 , the "pushed in", coaxed in, pressed-in concave base.
This is Xiao Mei Yao Zhu Ni, as we all know, with the highest shrinkage together with Zhao Zhuang Zhu Ni compared to all other ZiSha types. Failure rates are high. Unpredictability of the clay edges and joints, due to this high shrinkage is scary to say the least. With this minimalistic and detailed XiaoMeiYao ZhuNi work, Wang Hui is able to craft at most NINE pieces per month, of which ONLY SIX would be successful. She appreciates all the kindness for her hard work.
A delightful and adorable piece of ZiSha Art, and we give kudos to Craftsman Wang Hui and her diligence and hard work all these years. As with all Art pieces from RealZiSha here presented to all of you dearest Friends, guardians of Fully-Handmade ZiSha Art, they are premium pieces availed at the most astounding lowest prices. We want you each of you friends to get the best. You deserve it.
Note on our TRUE Fully-Handmade Zhu Ni pots from RealZiSha: NOT those thick-/irregular-thickness-walled ones which are actually fake "Fully-handmade ZhuNi pots" utilising the cheating new technology: "车一刀 Che Yi Dao": Such ZhuNi pots utilizing Che Yi Dao process, have been sprouting up in the market since early 2022. Che Yi Dao involves a swivelling-rotational cutter that goes around a roughly-finished ZhuNi pot to cut the outer surface into a perfect shape. This cutter obliviates the need of accomplished skill of a true Fully-Handmaking Craftsman. Obviously, Che Yi Dao also absolves the need of a skilled FHM Craftsman to 1)pound the slab into a careful thin-slab, 2)paddle-pat the slab into a uniform shape purely manually.
In the utilisation of Che Yi Dao cutter, the worker will just need to 1) roughly pound the slab into a slightly thicker slab. After that the worker rounds up this slab as part of the main body, and will just 2)need to ROUGHLY paddle-pat it into shape. After which he sets up the Che Yi Dao cutter to revolve and cut the body into a perfect shape.
Of course, rest assured here, and avoid the ubiquitous fake jigger-machined fake "Xiao Mei Yao Zhu Ni", "Zhao Zhuang Zhu Ni", "Zhu Ni Da Hong Pao", etc pots all around sold in a multitude of places, sites, apps and platforms.