‘’春山宜远思 秋鹤见高怀‘’
诗, 吴山明。
This poem is from the Famous Poet, Wu Shan Ming. He pens these words thus,
"It is Spring, to reach the top of the mountain, it is amenable to thinking and reminiscing of one's moved ones afar,
And when Autumn descends, one watches the cranes that fly past above, they induces one to miss one's loved ones"
Video and Paper Certification with Associate Master Artist Du Cheng Yao, 助理工艺美术师 - 堵程尧 for every Artwork of his procured.
Assoc Master Du, as usual being young and amazingly skilled, is able to look at a two-dimensional photo of the Ming-Qing historical pieces AND TRANSLATE them into true-to-life in perfect likeness and proportions!
Each ZiSha Work requires weeks of early planning, FULL-SIZED test shapes.
Many trial-and-errors, practicing and perfecting.
He thanks you dear Friend and Patron for your kindest support and adoption of his hard work back to your home and onto tea table to serve you great teas.
After receipt of this work, we will arrange a Video Certification call for you with Assoc Master Du Cheng Yao. Assoc Master Du THANKS YOU Esteemed Friends for your kindest support of the ZiSha Art! He is very happy to see you on the video call with him just like many had done so! Welcome!