Dear Friends! Presenting, the Lao Zi NI of particular High Graininess, and of Low Sieve Count! This breed also has inherent high iron content just like the Zhu Ni types. Our Cao Family provided these clay (from a particular famous mine site of Huang Long Shan) to Craftsman Chen Fa Chu and he responded perfectly!
This clay had also been mined and also held by some other clay suppliers, but when passed to other retailers, would be hyped up in various self-given, fanciful, mythical, grandiose names.
At RealZiSha, we do not do these things. In fact, we DO THE REVERSE:
We REMOVE all these fanciful names.
We put it SIMPLY as: Lao Zi Ni (Low Sieve Count).
It is great clay. It is not an expensive type of clay.
We put it thus: the same price as other Lao Zi Ni.
We believe in simplifying, de-hyping, and not be doing things that Grand Master Chen Guo Liang, Grand Master He Dao Hong, Grand Master Shao Shun Sheng, Grand Master Cao Ya Lin, would be laughing their heads off/giggle/look disapprovingly at.
We deconstruct all the fancy clutter, we put them aa simply as it is.
It is a type of Lao Zi Ni, of high graininess.
In between the graininess are the sumptuous shrinkage lines, which are very beautiful.
This is a very delectable, highly tactile clay type which is really rewarding to have on top of the classic Lao Zi Ni and the classic Di Cao Qing.
The Exquisite Xiao Ying pot is finally back here! This time crafted by our self-sacrificial and hardworking Craftsman Chen Fa Chu! It originates from the Ming Dynasty, and in the 1970s was modified by legendary Gu Jing Zhou, the shape of which lasted till today as the definitive most beautiful Xiao Ying. It served as a ZiSha gift for the government to provide for foreign dignitaries. The Body's top and bottom sections both sport the amazing convex and concave curves ending in the bottom plate and the top opening plate for the lid to sit on: these two sections tests the Craftsman in his or her patting skills. The spout's base has a wide lumen allowing a strong and voluminous pull, and then pushes out through the sharper opening. The spout is a great beauty by itself, which demands a lot of time and skill to perfect, sometimes taking as much as a day to just get it right to be fitted onto the body! The adjoining part to the body must also be dligently sculpted so that the whole ZiSha pot looks absolutely cohesive and balanced: spout, body, lid and handle. Indeed a very demanding Austere ZiSha GREAT!!! The handle's design renders it delightful ergonomics during use. You have to handle it to understand how the whole pot sits on your lifting and pouring hand.
DO not miss this Xiao Ying, an extremely treasured ZiSha work by Craftsman Chen Fa Chu. An extremely testing model for all Craftsmen and Artists alike to craft. Admire, appreciate and savour Xiao Ying in its aesthetic and ergonomic magnificence on your tea table.
Craftsman Chen Fa Chu thanks you friends deeply for your grandest support to the honest and dedicated Craftsladies and Craftsmen here left to fend the Fully-Handmade ZiSha Art.
The Stalwart, dedicated to the cause, Craftsman Chen Fa Chu is grateful to all of you friends for embracing his hard work. Enjoy his superb, classic handwork here and let his work accompany you on your tea journey!
BRING ONE HOME, USE IT and you will know all about Fully-Handmade ZiSha, the feel of real and quality YiXing ZiSha, the nurturing of Patina, how the true Patina feels and looks like, the Aura exuded from a Fully-Handmade Pot which others simply can't bring forth, and, Craftsman Chen Fa Chu's skills, savour the pour. You will know everything then.
Explained, https://www.realzisha.com/blogs/news/actual-zisha-landscape-at-yixing , the Craftsman by selling his hard-worked ZiSha craft at $190-$240, $45-$65 goes to the cost of the craft, inclusive of the fees for the firing for the kiln operator (three times per pot), the packaging boxes, and between $32 to $52 for the clay (Zi Ni Di Cao Qing, Duan Ni and upwards) used per pot. Craftsman takes 3 days (fastest 2.5days) to craft a pot. Out of 12 pots he makes a month of 30days, 9 pots will survive the kiln firing successfully. Out of 9 pots, a Craftsman on average sells 7 pots per month. For ZiSha models/designs that are very challenging and more complicated to craft, time taken will be longer, and the failure rate will be higher as well. Zhu Ni pots have higher failure rates than Zi Ni and Duan Ni pots too. Our Craftsmen are crazily committed to the cause of Fully-Handmade ZiSha Art and their strictness with their craft and dedication earn our respect. We give a big Thank You all of these Craftsmen, for they are saving what is our common precious tea culture: Tea + Fully-Handmade ZiSha Art and Craft.
(Dear Friends, during the photo-taking process, five to six separate spotlights above and around, are used. Looking at the photos, the collar-rim of the lid-body interface thus shows the various spotlights' reflection. You will therefore see 2 to 3 scattered brighter spots around the collar-rim. This will allay concerns from some friends, "is the rim-collar having any irregularity in circularity?". This explanation of the usage of five to six overhead spotlights around, will allay this concern. Yes, the rim-collars of all these ZiSha works crafted by our Craftsmen ARE REGULAR in CIRCULARITY :-D, and you can rest assured. Thank you Friends.)