ASSOC MASTER CHEN XI FANG IS A VIRTUOSO, and SPECIALISES in 提梁 Ti Liang, Overhead Top Handle ZiSha Class Works. Saying so, does not mean anything less for her exemplary skill in Austere, Ornate and Segmental-Corollary Works too!
She is very deft in Ti Liang. Highly Polished and Accomplished.
And Sheng Zhu Ti Liang is one which Assoc Master Chen Xi Fang had created!
Ti Liang works are recognised by our ZiSha Fraternity, to be one additional class on top of the Four: 1. 光器 Guang Qi ~ Austere, 2. 方器 Fang Qi ~ Polygonal, 3. 锦囊器Jin Nang Qi ~ Segmental-Corollary and 4. 花器 Hua Qi ~ Ornate.
Besides their high difficulty of crafting, Ti Liang 提梁 works are famed for their high failure rates. ZiSha is the highest shrinkage ceramic material that can only be slab-built, is unwieldy, suffers from deformation and cracks by virtue of its high shrinkage and unpredictability. With all these prerequisites and difficulties, the Artist must still form an almost faultless top handle that has to BOTH: encompass both aesthetic beauty and, form a SEAMLESS cohesion whole with the body. Ti Liang works adds at least a 30% to the tag which the fraternity recognises. Not all Artists would be fond of a high failure rate for their all hardworks as they come off from the kiln.
Here is where Assoc Master Chen Xi Fang comes in at RealZiSha. She is EXTREMELY proficient at this difficult ZiSha class work, and is COMMITTED to be with all of you in this journey, by providing Ti Liang works at such affordable prices. All of us at RealZiSha are committed to giving up, to let all of our friends, all of you dearest friends, to go up. To access, appreciate, engage, own and USE top quality ZiSha Art in your own home.
She wants this Sheng Zhu Ti Liang to be your first AND LASTING TI LIANG ZISHA WORK in your collection.
She means what she sets out to do, and here it is for all of you.
This is only at $1490.
This is a large ZiSha Work, standing at an impressive 490ml!
An IMPRESSIVE Ti Liang Work by Assoc Master Chen Xi Fang.
For such a maestro work, we are extremely grateful to Assoc Master Chen Xi Fang.
May the fortunate patron and friend, have this oriental classic Ti Liang beauty with Poetry and Bamboo engraving, perform its aesthetic great work on your tea table.
Yes, she invited Craftsman Da Jun to engrave Both Sides of this Ti Liang Work:
1. Bamboo engraving,
2. The Famous Poem by Zheng Xie 郑燮 who is a very famous Poet and Painter in Qing Dynasty, to DESCRIBE an Honourable Man of Character:
The Poem means:
No matter how many times you are being hit and punched, you will still remain strong, straight and UPRIGHT,
No matter how big the storm, you will stand unperturbed, you will never flinch.
A person of Honour and Integrity, will always possess Dignity.
Chen Xi Fang chose these to go with this, her precious Ti Liang Work, in consultation with Craftsman Da Jun 达君, the APT combination of the Poem by Zheng Xie, and the Bamboo which signifies STRENGTH and STRAIGHTNESS of character. Zheng Xie 郑燮 the famous Poet and Painter, also goes by another name, Zheng Ban Qiao 郑板桥。
As usual, arranged will be both Video and Paper certification for the VERY proud Owner::: Assoc Master Chen Xi Fang 陈锡芳 to address you the patron after receipt of this ZiSha Work, her linking up with you via Video Streamyard call to certify and chat with you, the esteemed patron, regarding this Work.
Again.. I’m so overwhelmed by the skill of the artisan. Lid fits tight, pour is strong and broad and fast. The clay is fantastic. It softens, but keeps the fresh notes of the tea. I own quite some Yixing by now, none of them master the skill or the effects of the clay as good as the 4 pots I bought here. Packaging is second to none. You can buy with full confidence. I can only recommend.
sorry, i put up the wrong photo with this review and i can't seem to delete it. The photo elongs to another great pot i bought from them, the Hong Jiang po ni. sorry about that.
i really love the xisha form. It's one of my favourites. The pour is fast and full and doesn't get clogged by tea leaves. The form is evenly round, the bottom is sooo beautiful made. The lid fits perfectly and the sending ( to the Netherlands) was very fast and very good packaged against handled wildly by post.
I tried Tie Guan Yin in it and it made the teasoup round, full without dulling the high notes too much. I love this clay! I have 2 more pots coming in today from Realzisha. I think that gives away how much i like and trust this company.
i received the pot yesterday and after opening te pot for use, i tried Tie Gyan Yin oolong in it. It transformed the tea beautifully, in a soft , full and round teasoup. The lid fits excellent and no spilling! The pour is full and fast. The pot is so beautifully made i am sooo very happy with it. I can only recommend whole heartilly this company and its artisans. Friendly, honest, using very good clay, very good packaging and fast sending. Buy with confidence. ( i bought 4 pots already of them ;-) ).
Such a beautiful teapot!
Shipping ist extremely fast and the customer service ist amazing.
Can't recommend this shop enough.